Everyone should know that there is great unrest in Somalia due to the Rebels as well as a HUGE drought and famine in the horn of Africa. There are 12million people living in far from humane conditions, starving and suffering from disease.
For some reason, we in the west are totally unaffected by such a predicament and are able to carry on our daily lives as per usual... eating our 3 meals a day (with a few snacks here and there) and are able to choose what these meals entail.. It breaks my heart to think of all those in Africa starving and suffering from disease and contrast it to the life I am able to live.
SO, this week myself and a friend are going to eat only plain rice and drink only water for 7 days. Hopefully this will be an eye opener to us and make us realise some new truths but also I want this to open your eyes and make you realise that what is happening in Africa is not OK, it isn't how the world should be and we can't just sit back and accept it as how things go.
I have been given a heart for the suppressed, the forgotten and I need to take action. Because I am just a university student I feel powerless in terms of how much time I have (and money)... So to take action for me is to essentially go hungry and get some sponsorship so that I can then pass that money onto UNICEF which will contribute to getting aid into the most drought ridden, starved areas.
I am going to blog on my progress and thoughts throughout the week for those who want to follow!!
-Be the change you wish to see in the world!-
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